If you are a Queensland employer and looking for workers, including trainees and/or apprentices, we have three levels of service to offer you:

    Group Training

    This is where Worklinks is the legal employer of the trainee/apprentice and we host that person out to you. If your workload reduces or circumstances change, you can cancel the relationship we have with you and we will find alternative employment for the trainee/apprentice who has been with you. 

    With Group Training, you pay only for the time the trainee/apprentice is with you – Worklinks covers any personal leave, recreational leave or time spent off-the-job at training.

    Managed Employment Services

    This service is where Worklinks Employment supports your employee through their apprenticeship or traineeship. We take on the responsibility for ensuring a high quality of training and manage the additional care and support necessary to facilitate the successful completion and conversion of their training contract.

    Recruitment Services

    Do you just want our assistance to find an employee for you? We can provide recruitment only services.

    Register Your Interest

    Worklinks is your LOCAL Group Training Organisation – we provide quality service at competitive rates – and we care about your employee and your business alike! 

    Discover your LOCAL partner with Worklinks Employment

    We provide quality service at competitive rates – and we care about your employee and your business.